About the nomination
Correctly announcing the game – a whole art. The first impression must be made such that the players discuss the future project for a long time and are looking forward to it. Sometimes this is obtained due to the only reputation of the developer. Sometimes the ability to withstand intrigue is added and attract attention. And sometimes all this works together and immediately. Just about the five most curious announcements of 2016, and this nomination will be discussed.
5th place. Resident Evil 7
In the case of this game, you need to make a slight retreat. In 2014 Konami Issued P.T. – A playable teaser presenting Silent Hills , new game from Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro. The project, as we all remember, stalled, and Hideo and Guillermo switched to their Death Stranding. And after some time the company Capcom Suddenly announced the seventh part Resident Evil, turned out to be catastrophically similar to p.T.
Unhurried movement, screamers, rustles and creaks, someone's breath behind him … not that one to one, but, firstly, it really seems, and secondly, the previous three parts Resident Evil were a vigorous action movie about the shooting of a zombie. And in the new game, we, apparently, are waiting for a classic first -person horror, where there are few weapons, strong enemies and mortal danger at every step.
No, we are not trying to convict CAPCOM in plagiarism: they have been developing a game for a very long time, and most likely this is an ordinary combination of circumstances. But how did the players come to hand! P.T. closed and removed from PS Store , And the development of Silent Hills stopped – well, even if at least the Resident Evil 7 will serve as a replacement and comfort. Moreover, she really looks very cool. And it will come out very soon – January 24.
4th place. God of War
When Sony announced the new one God of War, The players were very surprised. Not a schedule and not a plot, not at all. They were surprised by the changes that occurred in the life of Kratos – the very one that all previous games took place with an unchanged grimace of anger on his face. It suddenly turned out that the main character of the next part is a quiet family man and a loving father who teaches his son to hunt and survive in the winter forest.
Studio SCE Santa Monica really shocked the fans of the series, turning Kratos from the murder car into a “meek sheep” with a thick beard and a boy on a walk. But the step for restarting is quite justified – after the exit of the last part of the series, a lot of water flowed, people tend to change, so the Spartan has cooled over the years, has cooled down and switched attention from destruction to creation.
So we have not seen Kratos yet. And see how events will develop and whether the main character will not be disturbed again, it will be very curious.
3rd place. Death Stranding
And again we return to p.T. and canceled Silent Hills. Konami who owned the rights to the series at some point decided that to release games expensive and unreliable. Suddenly he will not pay off? It is more profitable to make slot machines guaranteeing profits!
It just so happened that a sharp change in the course was reflected on one of the most famous developers: the Japanese game designer Hideo Kojima, who was engaged in the creation of a new horror, remained out of work. But this did not last long: shortly after the dismissal from Konami, he crossed under the wing of Sony and continued to embody his ideas. Yes, the words Silent and Hill do not appear in the name of his new game. But both Guillermo del Toro, and Norman Ridus ( "Walking dead" ), and even, as it turned out, Mads Mikkelsen ( "Dr. Strandj" ) present.
Still, Kojima, like no one else, knows how to intrigue. Almost every game tells a story that at the very end suddenly turns everything upside down and leaves the player with the feeling that he was skillfully circled around his finger.
Now Death Stranding already has two trailers, from which it is clear that there is not enough understandable. Some children in the incubators, a black slurry connecting all hoses, dead inhabitants of the depths … Fans of Kodzimim build theories with might and main, even we could not resist-this is our video trying to at least partially lay out one of the trailers on the shelves.
But the main thing is that no one doubts is interesting! It remains only to wait for the game itself.
2nd place. Red Dead Redemption 2
Sometimes, in order to arouse the interest of the public, it is enough to change the background on the avatar on Twitter. Company Rockstar and did it-at some point their logo suddenly became black and red. And then it began. No matter who was the first to notice and posted it on social networks. After watch, no, even a minute after the tape provocation, they were spent on reposts and the question “Really Red Dead Redemption 2?". Well, after some time, a debut trailer appeared and put everything in places: everything is true, in the fall of 2017 the second part of the famous western will be released.
Known about the game little. There will again be cowboys, trains and grazing bison. The main characters, apparently, will turn out https://lucky-mister-casino.co.uk/ to be seven-by the number of silhouettes on the game cover. Even the developers mentioned that they would make a large bet on multiplayer, and the reason for this is an unprecedented success GTA Online.
Everything else is still at the level of rumors and guesses, but most likely, very soon this dam will break through and the first presentations will sprinkle. And the fact that Rockstar will show us something incredibly cool, we have no doubt for a second.
1st place. The Last of Us: Part 2
Many people justifiably believe that The Last of Us The finished work and to continue the story begun in the original means only to spoil everything. But the developers claim that this, of course, is true, and they themselves would in no case continue to continue anything if they had never come to their minds, which is simply a sin not to realize. The authors convince us that they are not trying to leave on the success of the first part, but they want to tell another important story about Ellie and Joel.
Well, I want to believe that it is. We will play in the second part for the matured Ellie, which turned nineteen. And if Joel mainly moved the desire to save the girl, then her motive will be a thirst for revenge. According to the head of the development of Neil Drakmann, the tonality in the continuation will be completely different – gloomy and angry.
And what announcement impressed you most of all personally? What are you waiting for next year, what do you hope for? Leave your opinions in the comments and stay with us yourself. Play only the best!